Fire Safety
Every campus facility is equipped with a fire safety system that is monitored 24 hours a day by an off-campus monitoring company. Upon activation of an alarm, the company notifies the local fire department and then notifies the Campus Safety Office. Upon notification, an officer is dispatched to the scene to assist the fire personnel in securing the area in question and to aid in the evacuation of the occupants of the facility. In addition, each residence hall room is equipped with a battery-operated smoke detector. Fire extinguishers are strategically located throughout the buildings and there are pull stations located at the exits.

Emergency procedures, which include fire drill regulations, are posted on the back of each residence hall room door. Each student is responsible for knowing them and keeping them posted. Fire drills are conducted each semester with a report and an evaluation given to the Dean of Community Life. These reports are made available to the State and City Fire Marshals. Monthly inspections are also made to ensure that extinguishers, emergency lighting, exit signs and other fire system equipment are in compliance with the NFPA codes.
Fire safety regulations require that cooking equipment with exposed heating elements, such as popcorn poppers, hot pots, and coffee pots be used in the kitchen areas only. No candles, incense, oil lamps or other types of open flames are allowed in the residence halls.
Additional fire safety regulations are as follows:
- No clothes racks, bicycles, suitcases, or other items are to be left in the hallways or stairwells
- Overloaded electrical outlets or drop cords are not permitted; however strip plugs with surge protectors are allowed
- No objects are to be hung from the sprinkler heads
- No objects are to be placed on the fire escapes
Residence Halls as well as students’ rooms are subject to inspection to ensure that regulations are met. Students found in violation will have 48 hours to correct the situation. After this time, items will be confiscated by the Campus Fire Marshal and Civitas Council or the Director of Residential Life will be notified. Violations of fire safety regulations will be adjudicated by Civitas Council, the Campus Fire Marshal, or the Director of Residential Life and may result in fines or other sanctions. Converse fire statistics are updated annually.
Planning ahead can save your life
Here are some things that you should know about your apartment or residence hall:
- The layout of your floor
- Location of stair exits
- Number of doors between your room and the exit stairs – you may need to find the stairs in the dark
- Location of the pull stations on your floor
- Location of fire extinguishers
Things To Do
- Keep a flashlight ready and in a handy place.
- Report fire hazards to your RD or CA
- Keep your hallway clean and free of trash, furniture, etc. and make sure these items are stored properly and collected regularly
- Be careful not to overload electrical circuits and use approved electrical extension cords – short circuits are the cause of many fires.
- Cook with care – double check the stove to make sure it is turned off before you leave the area
- Do not leave food unattended while cooking
- Make sure you exit from your room during a fire drill to a designated area
If There Is A Fire
- Stay Calm!
- Check your door (for warmth) before exiting your room
- Activate the fire alarm, call 911 and call Campus Safety at 864.596.9026
- Alert others by knocking on doors
- Exit by using the nearest stairwell to you
- If your hall is filled with smoke, stay low while exiting
- Do not use the elevator
Campus Services
For permission to take photos on campus, please contact Event Services.
Contact Us
Main phone & switchboard: 864.596.9000
Mailing Address:
Converse University
580 E. Main St
Spartanburg, SC 29302
Campus Safety:
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